Monday, June 25, 2012

26 Weeks, Ultrasound and Dr. Visit

26 weeks!! Tyler and I are really starting to feel the "realness" of this pregnancy and are so excited to meet this little guy in only 14 weeks!!

We had our Dr. Visit today and Ultrasound and it all went really well, thank God! Rowan is measuring in the 50th percentile for size.. which we are happy about!! We have been worried that with a two vessel cord he might be too small, and so far he is moving right along! His head is measuring a week ahead, which we laugh about... "he must just have such a large brain!" His little body has some catching up to do, but we are confident it will all fall into place soon!

The ultrasound tech turned on the 3D today so that we could try and make out some of his features... it was so fun! He is still a little small to really see anything.... you can make out some of his features, but she said that at about 28-30 plus weeks you can see a lot more! We still have about two weeks to go! It is still too hard to tell exactly what he looks like, but I loved seeing the pictures anyways!

His little profile

He is totally pouting in this one.. so funny!

This was regular ultrasound... profile pic

His chubby little feet!

As you can see, it isn't super easy to see everything... but we will take it!

This Week:
- Craving JUNK food!! Up 5 lbs from three weeks ago, think I need to start slowing down!! 
Total weight gain so far- 14 lbs!!

- He is all over the place!! VERY active at night.. wakes me up with kicking and head butts at about 4am each day!

- Tyler painted the chalkboard wall in his nursery... looks great!

- Made some more crafts for his room (pics to come later!)

- Dresser came in today, excited about that! Now to put it together!

- Slowly starting to collect things we need for him... looking for a comfty chair in a couple weeks!

- Booked two "Meet and Greets" with pediatricians to see who we would like him to go to.


26 Weeks

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Nursery Phase One!!

I decided to start on the nursery this week... what a project!! I have all these ideas in my head and once I started putting them into action, I realized just how time consuming this was!! This is just the first phase of the nursery, lots more to do, but atleast I have a framework to work with!! It was fun!

Finally framed Tyler's old plane pictures above the crib... now we just need the cute plaid bedding! :)
No image
you can picture it on the bed huh??!! :)

This is my "art wall" .... lots of stuff! Love the airplane lamp sent to us by Tyler's mom and dad! There will eventually be a cream colored chair in that corner once we find one!!

Reading Corner under the window! I still need the adorable gray and yellow curtains I ordered that will come in August...the curtains are short so the shelf will go under the window... I think! The shelf will need to be hung up.. and the Rowan letters will be spray painted metallic silver! We shall see how it looks when the curtains get here!

These are on the top shelf of his closet! Eventually, the closet doors will come off and the dresser/changing station will be in the closet!! I bought these baskets at the dollar store and bought little chalkboards to hot glue on to them!

Love this idea I saw on Pinterest for his closet wall above the dresser... I have the pieces so far, and eventually it will look like this..

They will be hanging in the closet on a collage wall and  be a schedule board for feedings, events, things to buy, etc!

I bought these today from Cost Plus.. I am trying to tie in a architectural feel to his room, so these will sit on his dresser in the closet and hold wipes, diaper creams, thermometer, etc! 

View from the door

I ordered these cute Paul Frank flashcards today for the one wall I still have left to decorate... we need to paint it with chalkboard paint and then I will hang up the cards on the wall!

similar to this, but probably wider across!

Corner Nook of Room... the hats hanging were Tyler's when he was born/little!! The large frame will have a newborn pic in it when he gets here!

It's coming along!! I will update again on phase two when I get all the rest done!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

25 Weeks... Happy Father's Day Tyler!

I thought, since it is Father's Day, that I would post my weekly update today instead of tomorrow!

Happy Father's Day (TO BE) Tyler!!
This picture was from our honeymoon, but I just love it!

Tyler is going to be such an amazing dad... he is so gentle and loving and always has a positive outlook on life... I can't wait to see him with little Rowan! This little boy is going to be so loved!

This Week:
- WE REGISTERED!!! :) It was so much fun and Tyler had a blast picking out little things for Rowan.... I had to scale him down a bit on a few "gadgets", but all in all, what a fun day!!

- We felt a foot!! Rowan is quite the kicker (as I have mentioned before)... but a couple nights ago he decided to kick and leave his little foot pushed out for a min so we could feel it.. it was so cute!!

- Found a dresser that we are going to order in a few weeks!

I think this will be perfect in the nursery we are creating!

- Tyler is set to paint one of the nursery walls next weekend! Hopefully then we can start putting the room together!

-  My sister in law and mother in law booked their tickets to come out for the baby shower! So excited!

- Worked on Rowan's Baby Book-- coming together!

- Feeling VERY bloated and tired with this extreme heat!!

- Cravings: Peanut Butter, Ice Cream, Fruit and Veggies, Crackers and Hummus

25 weeks


Monday, June 11, 2012

24 Weeks and Nursery Decor

Here we go with Week 24!! Tyler and I are having so much fun planning for this little one!

This Week:
- Rowan is growin!! I can feel him kick and punch at all angles now... I think he is going to be one tough little cookie!
- Looking forward to our 3D ultrasound one week from today, can't wait!
- Starting to crave LOTS of junk food... uh oh!
- Need to drink more water, it is so HOT out here and I get so exhausted so quickly now a days
- Bought a couple things for his nursery.. 

Love this!

I am going to hang these on the wall by his changing station to put diaper creams, powder, pacifiers etc in!

Black Wire baskets for Diapers or Toys

Made this to match his room!

Love these old milk crates for books

His baby book turned out beautiful!

Here are some ideas I have left to buy:

Curtains from Land of Nod

Close this window
Changing Station Dresser from Huddle

I am going to have Tyler paint one whole wall in chalkboard paint... so fun!

Diaper Box Storage Boxes
I am going to make some of the diaper/storage boxes you see underneath the cabinets, idea from Pinterest!

There are so many more ideas that I have (little things), just haven't wrapped my brain around all of them yet! Good thing I still have 16 weeks to get it all together! 

We Love Him
24 Weeks

Monday, June 4, 2012

23 Weeks and Dr. Visit

We went to the Dr. on Friday for our almost 23 weeks Dr. visit... I thought I had an ultrasound scheduled for today, but I learned that it is not until June 25th! Our Dr. told us that there hasn't been enough time lapsed in between the last US, so it would not give us an accurate picture of if he is growing at the right rate (due to him only having the two cord vessel).

I was bummed that I didn't get to see Rowan that day, but she told us that on the 25th, we will be ready to turn on the 3D Ultrasound to see his features.. we are so excited!! Tyler and I are so curious to see what our little man looks like and if we can tell who's features he has! Hopefully he will cooperate with the pictures!

She measured his heartbeat, which was in the 150's (perfect!)... and weighed me (starting to put on the weight!!)... I am currently the weight I was before I got pregnant with Rowan (lost a lot of weight at the beginning due to being super sick for almost 3 months)... which is amazing since I am now six months pregnant! I am happy for that... so I am up about 8-9 pounds from where we started.... she is giving me 25 to work with, so I feel pretty confident I can stay within that... although I do LOVE sweets and it seems I can put on weight faster now that before! :) We shall see!

This Week:
- I sorted out all my little kid/baby books from childhood/teaching and organized them for Rowan's room!
- Definitely losing steam at the end of the day... bed at about 9pm!
- He is quite the kicker.... Tyler and I love continuing to watch him go crazy when I go to relax on the couch!
- Sorted out Pediatricians that we want to call in the next week or so to interview
- Finding it difficult to find clothes to wear that I can fit into! Shirts are getting short and shorts are getting tight!
- Got dates for delivery/newborn/ CPR and daddy classes this summer to take!
- Planned our last airplane trip (just the two of us-- before Rowan in born) to Seattle in late June to see Tyler's parents (not allowed to fly as of July per Dr.'s orders)
- Looking into a "staycation" AKA babymoon for us to go on before he is born

-hung up his name in his nursery (made by Katie Hammer... LOVE IT.. adorable)


23 Weeks