Tuesday, May 29, 2012

22 Weeks

I know I JUST posted my 21 week post and here is 22 already, but I usually post on Mondays and due to my busy birthday week last week, I didn't get a chance to! So, here is 22 weeks... super close to the 21 week post!

This week:
- Rowan is the size of a large banana, weighing in at almost a pound!
- He will start putting on weight rapidly now until the end of the pregnancy
- In the next 3 to 4 weeks, he will start bulking up on the ultrasound pics, so it won't look quite as alien!
(we also can't wait for our 4D ultrasound-- hopefully in the near future!)

- We have our next Dr's appointment on Friday (I am sure I will post again!).. we are excited to see the little bean!
- He is kickin up a storm!! Keeps me up at night sometimes, such an active little guy!

- We found a dresser that we like for his room, will probably look into getting it later this summer
- Cravings: ice cream, chips, fruit, root beer!


22 weeks
gotta love the soap dispenser in all of my pics! Keep forgetting to move it! :)

I will update more on Friday when we have our official appointment with the Dr!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

21 Weeks and Growing!

It seems each week now I am growing so much that I think I will start to document every week instead of every two weeks... it is amazing how I look different from one week to the next! I am looking forward to ordering Rowan's baby book here sometime soon so I can document all these pictures and stats! Our next ultrasound appointment in on Friday, June 1st, so we look forward to seeing our little bean then!

This week:
- Tyler sent me for a mommy morning for my birthday... manicure and pedicure at the spa where my Dr. is... it was so nice!!
- Rowan is moving all over the place! Tyler can see my tummy move now when he kicks (or hits) hard!
- I bought him his first pair of overalls... oh are they cute!
-trying to eat more fruits and veggies this week-- my book states that he is tasting what I eat this week, so I want him to like healthy things!!
- He is the size of a pomegranate!
- My family is planning a baby shower for me for beginning of September, so excited!


21 Weeks

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Crib

Tyler and I are blessed to have my mom and dad purchase our crib for little Rowan... being that cribs are super expensive (little did I know), we are so grateful! Thanks Oma and Grandpa Laskowski!! We love the crib and know that Rowan will too.

We didn't think there would be one in stock when I went to the store, but low and behold, there was, so I got to take it home that day! We are super early putting this together, but it was a fun project... something daddy could do to be involved before he is born, and we were just so excited to see it in his little room!

Here are a few shots I took of Tyler putting the crib together... ignore the poor picture quality, they were taken with my phone and I think the lens was dirty!

I have all kinds of ideas for Rowan's Nursery, some painting, pictures, furniture, etc.... I will probably start on it in the next few months, so stay posted for pictures! The theme is vintage planes mixed with yellow and gray... I think it will look really cute when I'm done!

Monday, May 14, 2012

20 Weeks

The time is flying and we are half way through!! Rowan is the size of a small melon, 9 inches long and weighs about 10 ounces!!

This Week:

- Tyler felt Rowan kick for the first time-- priceless... and he hasn't stopped kickin since!
- Sugar makes him go wild!
- Up two pounds since my last ultrasound, but still 3 pounds lower than my pre-pregnancy weight!
- Feeling super tired
- Tyler bought me a pregnancy pillow for Mother's Day, so sweet... I am sleeping better now!
- Clothes are getting tighter!
- Cravings- pasta, chocolate, popcorn, cookies, fruit
- registered at the hospital this week!! :)
- Looking into what classes we want to take before he is born

We LOVE him...

20 weeks

Saturday, May 12, 2012

20 Week Ultrasound and Dr. Visit

I can't believe we will be 20 weeks on Monday!! We are half way through the pregnancy, and if the second half goes as fast as the first, he will be here before we know it! We are so excited to meet little Rowan!

I had my big 20 week ultrasound yesterday, I was super nervous going in because this is the one that they look closely at all the organs and extremities to see if they are all working properly! Tyler was cool as a cucumber, however, which made me feel better and off we went to the Dr.!

The ultrsound tech was super nice and took time to explain each little thing that we were seeing up on the screen.. everything pretty much checked out great! He is growing (9 oz, 9 inches long) and all body parts were measuring at the right size for how far along I am, thank the Lord!

The only small red flag we received was that he has a two vessel cord instead of three, which she said is very common with babies, so we will have to go in for extra ultrasounds to make sure that he is growing at the right rate. They also saw a bright spot on his heart which is a minor indicator for down syndrome.... of course when I heard this I completely panicked and started to tear up.... the tech assured me that with down syndrome you would see other indicators, and all of his other tests checked out, so she wasn't worried about it. They see this alot in the womb and it is almost always just fine. We are praying that he continues to grow at the right rate and that he is healthy!

Here are the pics of his ultrasound...

sucking on his finger!

fingers up!!

Apparently he already knows that he is number one... :)

I love his feet!!

Then our Doctor came in to talk to us... we love her, she is so friendly and calm and reassuring. She told us that in the next few weeks we should register at the hospital, aaahhhh!! I can't believe we are already at that stage of the pregnancy! She also gave us a schedule for classes that she recommends we take in the next 2 months or so before I get too far along.. I'm sure Tyler will love those! :)

We received a list of pediatricians that are nearby for us to check out and interview... she recommended that we stick to one that is close to home, I agree!! So we have some homework in the next couple weeks!

I will post a belly pic next week... we are excited to see baby Rowan again at our next ultrasound June 1st!

Friday, May 4, 2012

19 Weeks... Almost

So, since I will be out of town for my 19 week post, I thought I would post it today... Here is what has been going on this week:

- SUPER SICK--- got my first double ear infection/upper respiratory infection as a pregnant momma... wow has it been challenging! On all kinds of meds (which make me nervous), Tyler out of town (Thank God for my mom who came to stay with me), bad news for a couple days!

- Went to the Dr. to see how Rowan was doing (since I have been sick)... he has an elevated hearbeat, but nothing to worry about, thank the Lord!

- Up a pound since my last appointment a few weeks ago, but still 4 lbs. lighter than I was before I got pregnant--- we can thank Mr. All Day Sickness for that one!

- In one week I will be half way through the pregnancy, hard to believe!

- Shopping for a crib in the next couple weeks with my mom... so excited!

- Have been feeling some strange movement.. swear it is him, but could be wrong! Dr. says probably in the next week or so!

- Feeling tired, but loving every minute of it

- Cravings: pasta, pizza, fruit, chocolate


19 weeks... almost!!