Friday, November 30, 2012

2 Month Dr. visit and stats

Rowan had his two month appointment today!! He is growing so much (well for his size anyway..) and we just love watching how much bigger he is at each appt!!

- Weight- 10 lbs. 1 oz. (7th percentile).... SO STINKIN SMALL!!! He is big to us, but next to other two monthers, he is tiny!!! What a lil peanut!

- Height- 22inches (SO LONG!!) (22nd percentile... but long for his size!)

- Head- 14.96 inches (18th percentile)- again, TINY... but so darn cute!!

The Doctor appointment went fairly well... we have a couple concerns for out little booger that needed to be addressed:

1. SUPER goopy eyes... he has had this since birth (clogged tear duct)... but it has been looking worse lately (stuck shut in mornings) and I am wiping them a hundred times a day!! I found out the other day that I have a viral infection in my eyes, so I am guessing he does too. Dr. prescribed him drops... but told us not to start them for a few days to see if it clears up on its own first.

2. Not tracking objects with vision the way he should at two months- Rowan has his own little personality for sure! He is going to look at what he is going to look at when he wants to look at it!!! (sounds like Mommy...:)) He does look at objects, but doesn't follow them.. which concerns Tyler and I. The Dr. tried it at the office too and wants us to go have his eyes dialated by an opthomologist to make sure he doesn't have any vision issues (just what a mommy wants to hear :( )... she thinks he is probably fine, but wants to rule out any issues... going to see one next week.

3. Neck muscles on one side underdeveloped- We think Rowan's head was stuck to one side for a while in my tummy, so his neck muscles on one side are immature. He HATES to put his head to that side and really only sleeps with it to the right... Therefor he is not doing well with tummy time (can't really lift head) and is starting to get a flat spot on his lil head. Dr. says we need to see physical therapist for this... another Dr. appt next week! They should be able to give us exercises to do with him that will strengthen his neck so he can lift it higher and turn it easier.The flat spot they won't address until it gets much worse or he is 6 months old. Sometimes the head corrects itself and maybe once we get the neck muscles going his head will round out too!

Other than that, he had a good appt! I will have to update again next week after all our new appointments!!


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Latest Video of Rowan

Rowan was so cute kicking his little legs this morning, so Tyler and I took a video of him... ENJOY!!!

Rowan's First Thanksgiving!!!

Rowan had his first Thanksgiving on Thursday and it was a success!! We went over to my mom and dad's house along with both my sisters and their families and spent the day hanging out, EATING, and playing with the babies! Here are some pics from the event!



Man, I am so behind on this blogging stuff!! It has become so difficult to find any "mommy time"... and when I do, I take a bath, not write a blog!! :) Rowan has been growing so much and we are falling more and more in love with him everyday!! He is such a cutie and really starting to make noises and eye contact!! Here are the highlights of our little man for the month of November:

- LOTS of smiles!!! We just love to watch him smile... they are not on command yet, but every so often we will see one that lights up his whole face!!

- We think he is weighing somewhere around 9-10 lbs (two month appt is not until the 30th!!) He seems to be getting taller as well as his footie pajamas are getting quite snug in length!!

- He is becoming more and more alert during the day and loves to see what is going on!! He always wants to be part of the action, never wants to be put down for any length of time!!

Is now up to 4 oz of formula every 4-5 hours!! Little man LOVES to eat and will definitely let you know when he is hungry, which is often! He is becoming more aware of night time now, so sometimes he will sleep almost 5 1/2 hours without waking to eat! Mommy and Daddy are so thankful for the sleep!

- He still sleeps in the bassinet by our bed at night, but in about three weeks or so we are going to graduate him to his crib! He has taken a few naps in there so far and seems to do ok, I think it is more mommy that is nervous to put him in such a big bed!! :)

- Loves the Moby Wrap!! Now that he weighs enough to be put in it, we use is often and he just snuggles up and goes to sleep!

He loves his carseat!! Put him in that baby and he is out cold!! 

Places he has gone:
- Anthem to see the Christmas tree!!

- Aunt Ashley's to meet cousin Liam

- Oma and Grandpa Laskowskis for Thanksgiving

- Desert Ridge to walk around (no picture!)

- Mom's club meeting (no picture!)

- Shopping with mommy (no picture!)

It has been a great month!!! I will be updating Rowan's TWO month picture in a couple days!! Can't believe our lil bean is growing so fast!!


Thursday, November 1, 2012

First Halloween!!

Rowan had his first Halloween last night!! It was kinda uneventful since he is so young and can't understand Halloween, but it was still fun! We hardly had any trick or treaters, but we dressed him up in his pumpkin pj's and hat and spent time as a family!!

Eating before kids came

watching TV with daddy

Our little pumpkin!!

Play time during the day

All tuckered out!

Getting ready for Halloween!

"I hate this hat dad"

Cute little feet

All snuggled up

Hanging out with mommy

Hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween!!

One Month!!

It has become increasingly difficult to blog with this little guy, so the like ten minute naps he takes, I try to get online and type fast!!

Rowan is already a month old!! (Well five weeks now)... :) Can't believe it! He is the light of our lives and we just love him to pieces! Here are some one month stats and pictures of our little man:


- Last Dr. Appointment (two weeks ago) weighing in at 6lbs 8oz and still 19 1/4 inches long! (I'm SURE he is heavier now.... he is on formula and looks to be filling out!)

- Does NOT like to take afternoon naps... sleeps well in AM (well most days) and PM (2-3 hours at a time)... but HATES afternoon sleeping!! Makes for a VERY long day for mommy! We are trying swaddling now, hope this will help!)

- LOVES attention!! He knows when people are near and will let you know when he realizes you are gone! Loves to be held and cuddled, does not like to be put down or be alone!

- Eats every 2.5-3 hrs... and LOVES to eat!! Has never passed up gulping down all three ounces of formula... we usually have to slow him down so he doesn't choke!

- Coos, cries, moans, yells!! He is a really good baby... doesn't have colic, but will cry if you put him down!

- LOVES bath time! Will fall asleep in the tub... then screams when you take him out!

- Doing pretty well with tummy time... still can only handle it for about 5 minutes at a time, but it's something!! He can pretty much hold his head up if you are holding him and for a little bit on mat... getting stronger! Has great hand/eye coordination! If you put him on the play mat he will swing and hit the animals that are hanging! :)

- LOVES white noise... we have a noise maker on all the time it seems... he hates silence!!

- Small smiles, but nothing substantial yet! Can't wait to see him with a big smile!

- Still wearing gloves over hands... he scratches himself constantly with his nails, so he wears them all the time!

- Can turn to his side!! He is a strong little one and can already flip himself to his side when we lay him down!

- Loves the car and walks in the stroller.... so far! He will usually fall asleep... he needs to keep moving!

- So far only likes swing or chair if he is already asleep and doesn't know we are putting him in it! Hopefully he will learn to love them!