Thursday, July 11, 2013

Rowan's First Trip-- Chicago 2013

We had such a great time visiting family and friends in Chicago... but most of all taking Rowan on his first trip!! He did SO well on the plane... slept for a bit, then played for a bit, etc... He loved being around all the people and meeting GG and Great Grandpa, Aunt, Uncles and Cousins!!! All in all a great trip!!

Breakfast with entire family

with Grandpa

With GG

At Oma's surprise 65th bday party

At Uncle Chuck's house

With daddy on the boat

Mommy and Rowan

So tired after the lake!

morning snuggle with daddy

Loved Grandpa Tom's hat!

First Wagon Ride

Having fun!

At Fourth of July BBQ

More pics on Facebook!! We had a great time!!!

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