Thursday, March 28, 2013

Catching Up

ok, ok so I am well aware that I am NO GOOD at keeping up with blogging about Rowan!! I have so many social media sites now to upkeep that I am in WAY over my head!! Can't believe I haven't posted since he was FOUR months old!! Here are my reasons: (in case it helps..)

1. This child DOES NOT SLEEP... or atleast it takes about 1-2 hours to get him to fall asleep (in the swing... with the pacifier, and quiet hearbeat noise, darkness, blanket.....) NOT AN EASY TASK! By the time he actually gets to sleepy town I am totally exhausted and usually am still in PJ's, have not eaten, cleaned the house, made bottles, etc... NO TIME FOR BLOGGING!!

2. I forget that I have a blog! I am so avid at taking pictures of Rowan on my phone that I forget to update the blog part.. oops!

3. Just no time. (Have NO clue how I will keep up with more than one child at this point...)

With that said I have a bit of updating to do... so here we go!!

I will leave you with this adorableness since I want to break my posts up into events and not just one HUGE post:

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