Monday, October 15, 2012

First Bath!!

Tyler and I decided to give Rowan his first bath last night... thought maybe it would soothe him to sleep a little better that night... we were right! He loved the first part of it as long as we kept his washcloth warm, but HATED getting out and being cold (can't blame him!).. we swaddled him up real quick with his hoodie towel and he was good to go! All in all we feel it was successful! It will be fun to do bathtime with him when he gets a little bigger! The tub is still really big for our 6lb 8 ouncer!! Here are a couple pics I shot when he was getting bathed, before and after...

Loves his duck cover, thank you Laura!

"this isn't too bad"

Not too sure if he likes it!

Definitely does NOT like getting out and being cold!

All swaddled and ready for PJ's!

Our little bean

We will try again next week!!

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